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David O'Connell |
Korkut Onaran |
Benjamin Ostrowski and Steven Ostrowski |
George Ovitt
David O'Connell
Our Best Defense by David O'Connell
Červená Barva Press, 2022-
David O'Connell's chapbook, A Better Way to Fall, was awarded the Philbrick Poetry Award from the Providence Athenaeum. His poetry has appeared in New Ohio Review, The Cincinnati Review, Poet Lore, Copper Nickel, and North American Review, among other journals. He has received fellowships in poetry from the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts and earned his MFA at Ohio State University. David lives in Providence, Rhode Island with his wife, the poet Julie Danho, and their daughter. More of his work is available at davidoconnellpoet.com.
These wonderful poems combine intellect and feeling, family life and history and are the "best defense" against the sleep of contemporary life in which people live vicariously through the famous, refuse to acknowledge the lessons of history, and persist in denying our finitude. They enact the scrutiny and self-awareness that Robert Lowell called for, that "agonizing reappraisal," and do so with great tenderness and with a wry sense of how our lives are interwoven with myth and history and with work memos and The Weather Channel. Our Best Defense arms us with humor, fearlessness, and wonder.
-Robert CordingDavid O'Connell leads readers through a modern family life with tenderness, skepticism, and wonder. It's a life he knows-though that life is not everyone's. How much is lost when he passes on time with his wife to deliver a promised memo to Legal instead? When his toddler daughter sobs to a Christmas tune? These poems know better than to feel at ease with the timbre of Bing Crosby or the rhyme scheme of Edwin Arlington Robinson. These poems expose the mirage of perfect life outside day spas and inside sheltered schoolrooms. "Why do we learn / what we learn in this order?" is a persistent question-of this book and of the times. "What are you doing with your life?" O'Connell asks. The weather's unseasonably off. And there's no way to ignore the historical record skipping.
-Yona HarveyEvery poem in David O'Connell's fine debut embodies Robert Frost's definition of poetry: "A momentary stay against confusion." Poems celebrating work well done, the blues of Robert Johnson, and the deep nourishment of domesticity keep company with poems lamenting heroism's blindness and the wasteland homo sapiens seem determined to make of our planet. Formally various, the poems share a deceptively calm, patient voice, the sound of a writer who knows how ineffably fragile and sublime existence is. "Marriage," a three-line lyric that arrives late in the book, puts the matter best: "Evening, winter, fresh/from the bath, she leaves a trail./I take off my socks."
$18.00 | ISBN: 978-1-950063-48-2 | 92 Pages
-John Repp
Korkut Onaran
The Book Of Colors And Painters by Korkut Onaran
Červená Barva Press, 2009-
The Book of Colors and Painters contains a 15 page poem (titled The Book of Colors) and 6 shorter poems that complete each other. The Book of Colors attempts to create a community of colors, each having its own personality, along with the richness of relationships one can find in a community. By means of parentheses, footnotes, and parentheses in the footnotes, the poem tries to create multiple-voices and depth. The poem is organized like a one-act play with its opening, introduction, development, and closure. The sections - 15 in number - create a rhythm through which new themes are introduced and overlapped on the previous ones.
Korkut Onaran, originally from Turkey, lives in Boulder, Colorado. He practices architecture and urban design and teaches in University of Colorado as an assistant professor adjunct. He has received the second prize in 2006 Baltimore Review Poetry Competition. His poetry has been published in journals such as Penumbra, Rhino, Peralta, Colere, Writer's Journal, Water - Stone Review, Bayou, and White Pelican Review.
Korkut Onaran, Ph.D.
$7.00 | 34 Pages | In Stock
Assistant Professor Adjunct
College Of Architecture And Planning
University Of Colorado At Denver
Benjamin Ostrowski and Steven Ostrowski
Seen/unseen (a father and son converse)
poems by Benjamin Ostrowski and Steven Ostrowski
Červená Barva Press, 2018-
Steven Ostrowski is a poet, fiction writer, painter and songwriter. His work appears in numerous literary journals and magazines, and he is the author of three previous chapbooks—two of poems and one of stories. New chapbooks from Island Verse and, with Ben Ostrowski, Black Magic Media, are scheduled for 2018. He teaches at Central Connecticut State University.
Benjamin Ostrowski is a current PhD student studying Organizational Behavior at Carnegie Mellon University. He has poems published in The American Journal of Poetry, The Gyroscope Review, Blue Muse, The Dark River Review, and others. He has a forthcoming chapbook co-authored with his father, Steven, from Black Magic Media.
Seen/unseen is an ecstatically authentic conversation, poetry full of unapologetic humanity. This is not just call and response but challenge and answer, parry and thrust. Two voices calling each other higher, reveling in each other's performance. We could not ask for more from such a talented father-son team.
-Will Hicks, author of Stargazer's KitchenSeen/Unseen gives us the visions that occur when each participant closes their eyes, opens themselves to the world and speaks from one soul to another. The commonplace and the miraculous intertwine in this exchange of the gifts the father brings the son, and the son brings the father, when both open their souls to the other and view what they hold in their hearts.
$7.00 | ISBN: 978-0-692-08026-9 | 31 Pages
-Gian Lombardo
George Ovitt
What happens Next by George Ovitt
Červená Barva Press, 2018-
George Ovitt is the author of Splitting the Difference (poems), The Snowman (stories), and Stillpoint (a novel). Since 2012 he has co-written the popular literary blog Talented Reader. He lives in New Mexico.
The poems in What Happens Next allow us to enter the patience and calm of a poet who expresses himself after long listening, creating a welcome intimacy and a sense of life considered and savored. Natural in their diction, unforced, these poems create clarity even when looking out at a chaotic world.
$17.00 | ISBN: 978-0-692-13790-1 | 69 Pages
-Kim Garcia, author of DRONE and The Brighter House
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