The Lost Bookshelf
- Submit your Books
Send your chapbooks and full-length books of poetry, fiction, non-fiction, memoirs, and plays to sell at The Lost Bookshelf, a division of Červená Barva Press.
You must send 2 copies of your books to start with. Červená Barva Press will take 30% from each book sale. The rest of the profit is paid to the author. All books must be in excellent condition or they will be returned. No textbooks, romance books, or books of explicit content will be accepted.
PLEASE use at least a padded envelope or box when sending your books or chapbooks. Some of the books have arrived damaged by authors using regular envelopes. Don't waste my time if you can't mail your books protected!!! Care about how you send them if you want to sell them.
Why am I starting this bookstore aside from Červená Barva Press? I want to provide a bookstore especially for writers to provide an outlet to sell their books. The internet will be a great way to provide this easily and efficiently. Besides the author making money, the profit from The Lost Bookshelf will be another way to help Červená Barva Press thrive. On the link provided, please fill out the form. It must be sent with the books you send. Books must be packed well. Any books arriving damaged, will be returned.
We also welcome books from editors, publishers, and the small press. The same guidelines apply. Profit will be sent directly to whoever sends the books. Cervena Barva Press will take 30% of sale. We are not responsible for whoever sends these books to sell.
Once again, our purpose is to sell books by authors, but we will not close the door to any small press. Right now we are selling quite a few books by a press/publisher.
The Lost Bookshelf will also have a used book section where the books will be sold very cheaply. This will cover many types of books.
For anymore info or questions, contact:
Please put The Lost Bookstore in the subject line!
- Submit your books to The Lost Bookshelf
Červená Barva Press
Gloria Mindock
P.O. Box 440357
W. Somerville, MA 02144-3222

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